While attempting to install2211.25 locally, running the command "ant clean all". However, the build process became stuck, as indicated by the following log. It is worth noting that the building process was successful when performed on the cloud portal.
[echo] cleaning basecommercebackoffice backoffice...
[echo] cleaning laminexbackoffice backoffice...
[echo] cleaning ruleenginebackoffice backoffice...
[echo] cleaning backofficesearchservices backoffice...
[echo] cleaning searchbackoffice backoffice...
[echo] cleaning searchprovidercssearchbackoffice backoffice...
[echo] fixing node/npm symlinks and permissions
[echo] Running [npm config set update-notifier false]
[echo] Running [npm config get registry]
[echo] Running [node C:\...\2211_21\hybris\bin\modules\smartedit\smartedittools\apps\smartedit-scripts\scripts\unlink-smartedit-project.js C:\projects\...\2211_21\hybris\bin\modules\smartedit\smartedittools true]
[exec] Un-Linking smartedit projects...
[exec] Removing extensions from master app package.json
[exec] master app package.json cleaned
[echo] Running [rush purge] on path C:\projects\...\2211_21\hybris\bin\modules\smartedit\smartedittools
[exec] The rush.json configuration requests Rush version 5.110.1
[exec] Transforming C:\projects\...\2211_21\hybris\bin\modules\smartedit\smartedittools\common\config\rush\.npmrc
[exec] --> "C:\projects\...\2211_21\hybris\bin\modules\smartedit\smartedittools\common\temp\install-run\@microsoft+rush@5.110.1\.npmrc"
[exec] Installing @microsoft/rush...
SAP Commerce 2211.25
rush, smartedit , KBA , CEC-SCC-COM-SEDIT , SmartEdit , Problem
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