SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3507826 - How to identify the consumption of Capacity Units by spaces in SAP Datasphere


How to calculate the remaining units and determine which space or statement consuming these capacity units.


SAP Datasphere


  1. It is not possible to identify which space or statement consuming capacity units. Capacity units (CU) are the number of units consumed by the underlying services of SAP Datasphere. 
    • The user can use the SAP Datasphere Estimator to determine the number of capacity units required for their needs.
      Refer to the help guide for more information: Configure the Size of Your SAP Datasphere Tenant

    • If there are not enough capacity units in your productive tenant available to address  business needs, or you would like to increase your non-productive tenant, reach out to the Account Executive of your tenant to order additional capacity units. Capacity units will be made available as soon as the order form is processed.
      2626344 - Who is the SAP Account Manager for my company?
  2. It is recommend to follow the official process for requesting new features, which is documented in the following KBA: 3332382 - How to create an enhancement request for SAP Datasphere? 


capacity units, datasphere, dwc, ds, consumption, CU, tenant configuration , KBA , DS-PROV , DWC Provisioning , Problem


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