When searching for Contract Account ID XYZ (where XYZ is the ID of the Contract Account) in the Live Activity Center, Contract Account XYZ is not the first result.
SAP Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Service work center.
- Go to the Live Activity Center work center view.
- Search for Contract Account ID XYZ (where XYZ is the ID of the Contract Account).
- See that Contract Account XYZ is not the first result.
The Contract Account search in the Live Activity Center is designed as a Wildcard search. Wildcards take the place of one or more characters in a search term. A question mark (?) is used for single character searching. An asterisk (*) is used for multiple character searching.
This is the standard behavior of the system.
If the feature/functionality is needed as a matter of urgency, please refer to KBA 3475641 - Functionality Currently not Available
Contract Account, Live Activity Center, Wildcard Search, Incorrect Result , KBA , LOD-CRM-IND-UTL , Utilities , How To