SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3507983 - Why is "Include Sub Org." option not working? - SuccessFactors Learning


  • Admin selects "Include Sub Org." option when adding organization to search filter.
  • However, system doesn't bring sub organization into the filter.


SAP SuccessFactors Learning

Reproducing the Issue

1. Learning administration > User > Organizations > Click the funnel icon

2. Search for any org that has sub org > Check "Include Sub Org. " and click "add to filter"

3. Nothing is added to the filter.


This is expected behavior. 

"Include Sub Org." option will only work if the Parent Org is selected first.

The logic is that admins should not view the child organizations if they haven’t selected a parent. 


Let's take the below organization configuration as an example to understand how the search engine of organization works in detail.

Top Level – SAP

      Sub Org1 – SAP Germany

      Sub Org2 - SAP Ireland


Scenario A: Admins select "Top Level Only".

SAP as an ORG is added to the filter so admins just see 1 filter added.

The search query in backend would only search for Users with the Org as SAP and return results.


Scenario B: Admins select "Include Sub Org”.

Nothing is added to the filter as this option should not work alone.


Scenario C: Admins select both "Top Level Only" and "Include Sub Org”.

Admins will still see 1 filter added, that is SAP as an ORG.

However, the query in the backend has expanded its search to look for Users with an ORG of SAP, SAP Germany, and SAP Ireland.

The system is currently designed in this way that it only displays the parent org in the filter. 

Admins should trust that the child orgs were included in the search query in the background.



organisation, organization, user search, search filter, Top Level Only , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-ADM , System Admin, Global Variables, References , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Learning all versions