Even below SSCUI have been maintained, Valuation type could not be filled due to error message M3191 - Valuation category does not allow split valuation When creating material.
SSCUI 105535 Activate Split Valuation for Global Data
SSCUI 101717 Activate Split Valuation for Valuation Area
SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition
The filed 'valuation category ' was blank, that is why error message M3191 - Valuation category does not allow split valuation occurs when try to fill in valuation type.
If the material type is enabled for quantity and value updating in valuation area, the valuation Category field on the accounting tab will be enabled for this combination or vice versa.
1. Go to SSCUI 103539 Define Attributes of Material Types.
2. Select the Material Type.
3. Look for the Plant number.
4. Make sure the boxes for Quantity updating and Value updating are ticked.
Otherwise, the field Valuation Category won't be able for editing or input.
valuation type, Define Attributes of Material Types, Quantity updating, Value updating, Valuation Category, M3191, Valuation category does not allow split valuation occurs when try to fill in valuation type. , KBA , LO-MD-MM , Material Master , Problem