SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3508826 - Error "The question text must not exceed 1,333 characters" when using Greek or Russian characters


When creating Questions in Greek or Russian, the following error messages are seen:

  • The Question text must not exceed 1,333 characters
  • The Answer value must not exceed 1,333 characters


  1. In Learning Administration, go to Content > Question Library >
  2. Create a new question >
  3. Write your question and answers in Greek or Russian characters. The question/answers contain under 1,333 characters or bytes >
  4. Get one or error messages: 
  • The Question text must not exceed 1,333 characters
  • The Answer value must not exceed 1,333 characters


The character limit for each language really depends on what text is being typed, since every character can have a different byte count. 

We have to limit the number of bytes to fit the database table size of varchar2(4000). While we could accommodate more bytes, up to 4000, we support Unicode which can have one character be 3 bytes. We have to have validation warning messages for all scenarios.

There are also hidden HTML tags that are added as well which count towards the overall amount of bytes such as <p>.  Data is first URL-encoded before stored which will add to the number of bytes used and accounted for in this limit.

That is why certain phrases can throw a character limit error even though the message does not exceed 1,333 bytes.


Our Product Management suggests adhering to the validation warning message and adapting the question character to the limit while testing, since there are no configurations to override this warning.

See Also

2713186 - Enhancement Request: Assessment - The question text must not exceed 1,333 characters


character, limit, learning, question, answer, greek, russian, The Question text must not exceed 1,333 characters, The Answer value must not exceed 1,333 characters , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-ADM , System Admin, Global Variables, References , LOD-SF-LMS-ASB , Assessment Builder , LOD-SF-LMS , Learning Management System , Problem


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