When entering a Contact as a Party Role in a Sales Order document and selecting the value help for address of the Party Role, no option is displayed in the system.
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Sales Order Work Center.
- Go to the Sales Order View.
- Filter for All Orders.
- Search for the Sales Order ABC (where ABC represents the Sales Order ID).
- Open, Select View All.
- Navigate to the Involved Parties tab.
- Select the value help for the address of Contact maintained as a Party Role.
No option is displayed in the pop up window.
When a Contact is entered as a Party Role in a Sales Order document, the address determined is based on the address maintained for the Contact in the Master Data of the Account.
As the address is always determined from the Contact information in the Master Data of the Account, no options will be displayed when selecting the value help in Involved Parties tab of the Sales Order.
Additionally, if a contact is maintained for multiples Accounts, the system will determine the address information for the Party Role based on the Account that was entered in the Sales Order.
This is the standard system behavior for when a contact is added as a Party Role in a Sales Order.
If it is required to change/add a different address for a Contact in a Sales Order, the following steps can be performed:
- Go to the Account Management Work Center.
- Go to the Accounts View.
- Filter for All Accounts.
- Search for the Account EDF (where EDF represents the Account ID).
- Open, Select View All.
- Navigate to the Communication tab.
- Select the Addresses sub tab.
- Maintain a new Address information for the Account.
- Select Save.
- Navigate to the Contacts tab.
- Mark the Contact MNO (where MNO represents the Contact ID).
- Select the value help in the Address field.
- Select the new address maintained.
- Select Save button.
Now when creating a new Sales Order and maintaining the Contact as a Party Role, the new address maintained for the Contact in the Master Data of the Account will be displayed.
contact, sales order, party role, address, account, master data, involved parties, no address , KBA , AP-SLO-SO , Sales Order , How To