SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3509138 - Custom SMTP setup in LMS


Custom SMTP setup in LMS


SAP SuccessFactors Learning


Engineering highly recommends that the customer uses the SAP LMS SMTP only. There must be a specific business reason why you require custom LMS SMTP setup.

We would advise the first step is to explore your options for custom LMS SMTP with professional services to understand what would be the best option for your business and you will require confirmation from professional services that LMS custom SMTP setup/configuration would work with your current infrastructure before requesting LMS custom SMTP with LMS support. It is also important to discuss with professional services what you should consider when setting up/configuring custom LMS SMTP and the pros/cons of this setup.

If professional services confirm LMS custom SMTP configuration is an option for your business please include all these details you have discussed with professional services in LMS case description and the person from professional services who confirmed this configuration is possible with your current business infrastructure as engineering/product management will require this confirmation from professional services to proceed with LMS custom SMTP setup/configuration.

Bizx Custom SMTP Configuration Option:

Bizx email relay configuration: If you configure custom SMTP on the bizx side you would need to create a case with the bizx team [separate team]. In the bizx case you would then need to provide custom SMTP details for bizx email relay to be setup for you by platform ops team:

- sender or recipient based relay? (whether it is the sender or recipient domain that needs to match to trigger relaying to the external smtp server)
- the domain (or address) that should trigger the relaying rule (e.g.
- smtp server hostname
- smtp server port
- username (if authentication is required)
- password (if authentication is required)

Once the above is configured and it is completed bizx side by the platform operations team. If LMS sends out the emails with a certain email address as the sender which they setup in Global Applications Settings - Mail then the Bizx relay rule will pick this email address up as the sender and it will relay it to the custom smtp server as per Bizx email relay configuration in Bizx. Once it is setup bizx side with this rule if the rest of your LMS environments use this same email address for sender in Global Applications Settings - Mail then they will also be relayed to your custom SMTP as per the bizx email relay configuration via bizx email relay setup.

Important Note: Bizx Custom SMTP and LMS Custom SMTP are two different configurations and you can only have one configuration for custom SMTP setup. If you are not sure which configuration would work for your business requirements and company infrastructure. We highly advise discussing your options with a certified partner or professional services to understand what is the best solution for your business. LMS support does not do consulting if you wish to explore different Custom SMTP options it is the responsibility of your partner/consultant to identify the best options for the business. Once this has been identified you create your case with the team that is responsible for that Custom SMTP setup/configuration option. If you are not sure what would work with your company infrastructure with LMS and you do not have a certified consultant/partner you should reach out to professional services to explore the options that would be best for your business.

See Also

2688533 - DKIM and SPF | SAP SuccessFactors Email Security

2149831 - To contact Professional Services, Partner and Account/Finance Team

2706322 - What is Support – What is Consulting: Cloud Solutions


Custom SMTP, Custom LMS SMTP, Custom Bizx SMTP, Notifications , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-NOT , Notifications , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Learning 2405