SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3509158 - Deployment of Imported content fails when choosing "Deploy after import"


Package deployment after import fails :

  • The deployment of imported content failed with error


SAP Datasphere

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Transport menu --> Import
  2. Select package to be imported
  3. Select import with option " The deployment by import process can't analyze the dependencies between objects to send correct order to deploy objects.  


The package includes objects from different spaces that are dependent .

The deployment by import process can't analyze the dependencies between objects to send correct order to deploy objects.  


It is recommended to create packages according objects dependencies in order to choose the option "deploy after import" for each or simply import the package and then deploy objects manually

See Also

Transporting Content Between Tenants


KBA , DS-MD-REPO , Repository Backend , Problem


SAP Datasphere all versions