SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3509203 - Crystal report schedules should fail if the report contains no data


Crystal report schedules should fail if the report is blank or report contains no data


  • SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.x
  • Windows/Linux

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Login to CMC
  2. Navigate to Folders
  3. Select any crystal report
  4. Right click on the report and select schedule
  5. Check if there is option available for Delivery Rules on left panel


The functionality is not available for crystal reports


Currently the feature to select desired delivery rules while scheduling Crystal Reports is not available in BusinessObjects.

Delivery Rules can only be used through Publication where you can select the desired option to deliver report only if it contains data.

Delivery rules are also introduced in Web Intelligence reports from BI Platform 4.2 SP05 and above.

Refer Section "Web Intelligence Schedule Delivery Rules" of the below blog:

If you want this functionality for Crystal Reports to be integrated with the future releases in SAP BusinessObjects, I would request you to raise an Enhancement Request on the Idea's place of SAP. Idea Place,, allows customers to log Enhancement Requests themselves and have the ability to work more directly with our technology and Development group.
Refer1515837 - How To: Enhancement Request Process using the Customer Influence and Adopt site

Workaround : 

Way to do this is to create a formula that will throw an error if there is no data.  For example,

1/Count({some field})

Place this formula in a suppressed section.  It will throw a "divide by 0" error and cause the report schedule to fail if there are no records.

You'll want to check the failure in the Instance Manager to make sure it didn't fail for another reason, but this is a fast and easy way to prevent sending blank reports.

Refer below vlog for more details :

See Also

1873937 - Is there a way that Crystal Report will produce an instance only if data exists in the report?
1544499 - How to set a global delivery rule on a Crystal Report in Publication under BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1?


crystal reports, blank report, report with no data, delivery rules , KBA , BI-BIP-PUB , Publishing and scheduling in InfoView/BI launch pad , Problem


SAP Crystal Server 2020