SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3509364 - Status: Failed (FAIL_CONSENT_REFUSED_BY_UMS)


Data replication fails to execute automatically as scheduled, but executes manually successfully in Datasphere. The error message is:

Status FAIL_CONSENT_REFUSED_BY_UMS during run with correlation ID xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx.
This task could not be executed, typically due to a change in the Identity Provider configuration of the tenant. All user consents which were given before this change occurred become invalid. As a result, no scheduled or chained tasks can be run in the name of the affected user.


SAP Datasphere


The user that created this schedule is no longer active and new consent from the responsible user has to be given to run the scheduled tasks. 


See the solution section of SAP Note 3120806 - Schedules not transferred to other user after deletion of a user.


DWC, DS, Remote table, Data flow, Replication flow, schedule , KBA , DS-DI-SCH , Scheduling and Task Chains , Problem


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