Custom card image quality looks fine directly from the card but when you magnify the image, the resolution and quality might look compromised
SAP SuccessFactors Learning
Reproducing the Issue
1. Navigate to learning administration > System administration > Application administration > Custom cards
2. Create a custom card and upload an Image
3. Ensure that this custom card is visible to the user
4. Navigate to Learning > Custom cards
5. Verify the image directly from the card, quality looks fine
6. Right click on Image > Click on 'Magnify image'
7. Quality looks a bit compromised
Quality depends on the resolution of the image
- When an image is magnified (any IMAGE), it shows more details and less pixels in a particular area that you are magnifying in. From the guardrail perspective - We have only one guardrail with respect to resolution which is dimension limitations of 1024x1024 pixels.
- Image resolution for thumbnail has to be lesser than 1024*1024 pixels.
- So If you upload two images, say One is 320*180 and Other one is 1024*512. First one is bad quality already and will pixelate badly even with a small zoom and right one will look much better with the same zoom.
Therefore, you would need to use a better resolution image within 1024 pixels for the image to be displayed with similar quality even when maginified
See Also
Custom cards, blur image, maginified, zoom, custom card image, resolution, quality, pixels, Image preview, magnify , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-ITE , Items , Problem