- The pending workflow request could not be approved with the error message:"Please click this link to automatically search for any Knowledge Base Articles related to this error, or refresh the page and try the action again.
- Click show error. Error message: "errorId=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx, fingerprint=f4d0c47dca70c8a60xxxxxxx6962dc82, timestamp=2024-08-06T06:22:07.233+0000, errorMessage=An application error occurred. Please try again later, or notify support (with the error information of errorId=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx, timestamp=2024-08-06T06:22:07.233+0000, and the version information from the current screen) if the issue keeps occurring., server=97pc55bcf28, versionInfo=Release%3A%202405.20240729034522%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20Server%3A%2097pc55bcf28%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20Timestamp%3A%202024-08-06T06%3A21%3A35.524%2B0000%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20Theme%20Id%3A%207gl2ledul0%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20SAPUI5%20Version%3A%20%2Fverp%2Fvmod_v1%2Fui%2Fsapui5-main%2Fresources_1.120.5%2Fresources%2F"
SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite 2405
Reproducing the Issue
- The administrator modified the configuration of the related MDF object before the user corrected the data, such as by adding a field.
- User made changes to the original data and initiated the workflow.
- When it came time for the final approver to approve the workflow, they were unable to do so.
The related MDF object may have been recently modified, resulting in a mismatch between the existing data in the database and the new data structure. As a result, for workflows with correct data, the final approver is unable to approve successfully.
Product Engineering is investigating a solution.
Click on star to bookmark this article to receive updates about this issue. For more information about updates from subscribed KBAs, you can refer to the KB Article 2171560 - How to be notified of new or updated SAP Notes or KBAs.
For the support team, please refer to the internal memo.
Create a new object definition 'DummyGrandDef' and 'Effective Dating' select 'From parent', then attach this dummy definition to the definition 'impacted MDF Object' as its association. After that, the approver could approve the affected workflow request.
See Also
- SAP SuccessFactors Product Release & Road Map Information
- SAP SuccessFactors Patches Knowledge Base
- KB Article 2171560 - How to be notified of new or updated SAP Notes or KBAs
MDF-88098, INC9074801, Workflow request approval failure, Pending workflow unable to approve, Approval error for workflow request, Unapprovable pending workflow request, Workflow approval issue, Blocked workflow approval process, Failed to approve workflow request, Workflow request approval problem , KBA , LOD-SF-MDF-WFL , Custom Object based Workflows , Known Error