SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3510106 - Gaps on Data Extraction - Open Items Receivables / Payables


The open Items Receivables/ Payables Data Extraction worksheet has a large number of data gaps in the Withholding Tax Data tab.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Application and User Management work center. 
  2. Click on Data Extraction view.
  3. Click New.
  4. Select Extraction Object - OPEN_ITMS_RECEIVABLE - Open Items Receivable or OPEN_ITMS_PAYABLE - Open Items Payable. 
  5. Mark the Check-box "Package Active", and enter the Package Size (Instance).
  6. Click "Active and Run".
  7. Open the XML file in the Excel Microsoft application. 
  8. Go to the "Withholding Tax Data" tab. 
  9. Here you will find all the companies with data and a large number of data gaps in the sheet. 


This happens when no company code is selected in the data extraction run Selection Criteria. In this case, the system will extract data from all companies that have data to be extracted.


This is the expected system behavior.

The Data extraction must have at most two companies selected as Selection Criteria when creating the run. If more than two companies are selected due to a huge amount of data the system creates these gaps. 

See Also

KBA: 3329524 - Data Extraction - Open Items Receivable / Payables 


Data Extraction - Open Items Receivable, Data Extraction - Open Items Payables, Gaps, Empty Fields, Missing Data, Withholding Tax Data , KBA , SRD-FIN-ACP , Payables , How To


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