- File %DS_COMMON_DIR%\conf\dsod.pem (Windows) or $DS_COMMON_DIR\conf\dsod.pem (Linux) is continuously regenerated with the following incorrect line: -----END CERTIFICATE----------BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
- Applying the workaround from KBA 2605415 solved the issue temporarily until the file is regenerated automatically by the agent due to an update or a task execution.
SAP Cloud Integration for data services
SAP Cloud Integration for data services 1.0
CI-DS, cloud integration, data services, end, begin, certificate, -----END CERTIFICATE------, -----END CERTIFICATE----------BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----, dsod, pem, dsod.pem, linux, windows, corrupt, empty line, curl, agent. , KBA , LOD-HCI-DS-AGNT , On-Premise Agent, Connectivity, Task Run errors , LOD-HCI-DS , HANA Cloud Integration for Data Services , LOD-HCI-DS-CLD , Cloud Server, UI, Task Promotion, Web Services , Problem
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