- When suspending one of the connections, the replication stops working for all the other connections.
- All the DSI threads for all databases are being shutdown too.
- PRS log:
I. 2024/02/13 13:18:43. The DSI thread for database 'xxx.xxxb' is shutdown.
I. 2024/02/13 13:18:43. The DSI thread for database 'xxx.xxxc' is shutdown.
I. 2024/02/13 13:18:43. The DSI thread for database 'xxx.xxxd' is shutdown.
I. 2024/02/13 13:18:43. The DSI thread for database 'xxx.xxxe' is shutdown.
I. 2024/02/13 13:18:43. The DSI thread for database 'xxx.xxxf' is shutdown.
I. 2024/02/13 13:18:43. The DSI thread for database 'xxx.xxxg' is shutdown.
I. 2024/02/13 13:18:43. The DSI thread for database 'xxx.xxxh' is shutdown.
I. 2024/02/13 13:18:43. The DSI thread for database 'xxx.xxxi' is shutdown.
I. 2024/02/13 13:18:43. The DSI thread for database 'xxx.xxxj' is shutdown.
I. 2024/02/13 13:18:46. The DSI thread for database 'xxx.xxxk' is shutdown.
I. 2024/02/13 13:19:40. The DSI thread for database 'xxx.xxxl' is shutdown.
SAP Replication Server (SRS) 16.0
CR829270, CR#829270, 829270, suspend, DSI , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Known Error
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