SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3511348 - Payment list only displays one supplier number


After generating payments in the "Manage Automatic Payments" app, click 'Export to PDF' button to display the payment list in PDF format.
When one automatic payment run involves more than one supplier or customer, the generated payment list PDF only displays one same supplier or customer number.


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition 2408


Our development team has recognized this issue and complete a correction.
This correction is planned to be delivered with Hotfix Collection 05.
The implementation is planned to take place at the weekend of September 21th.

For now, there is a workaround as follows.

  • For payment list form template in English version
  1. Open APP "Maintain Form Templates".  
  2. Click button 'New' to create new custom form template.
  3. Form template 'YY_FIN_FO_PAYM_LIST_V2.XDP' is used to be uploaded. (You can find it in the attachment.)
  4. Maintain the new form template in configuration "Assign Form Templates" (ID: 102313).  Create a new entry as the following content.
  5. Open APP "Output Parameter Determination".   
  6. Maintain the new form template 'YY1_FIN_FO_PAYM_LIST_V2' in determination step 'Form Template' for rule 'Payment List'.

  7. Based on this settings, the new opened Payment List PDF will use the new custom form template 'YY1_FIN_FO_PAYM_LIST_V2'.
    But for a payment run, if you have already open the Payment List PDF before this changes, the old form template FIN_FO_PAYM_LIST_V2 will be still used.  
    For those payment runs, please wait for the correction delivered.
  • For payment list form template in other language version
  1. Download the payment list standard form 'FIN_FO_PAYM_LIST in APP "Maintain Form Templates".  
  2. Open the form template local designer.  
  3. Use the following script code to replace the current code with highlight part in node 'col_Supplier'.

    var newSuplValue  = xfa.resolveNode("$record.HeaderNode.Items.PaymentNode[" + currentrowindex  + "].Supplier").value;
    var newCustValue  = xfa.resolveNode("$record.HeaderNode.Items.PaymentNode[" + currentrowindex  + "].Customer").value;
    var newPayDocValue  = xfa.resolveNode("$record.HeaderNode.Items.PaymentNode[" + currentrowindex  + "].PaymentDocument").value;

    if (lastrowindex != -1) {
    lastSuplValue = xfa.resolveNode("$record.HeaderNode.Items.PaymentNode[" + lastrowindex  + "].Supplier").value;
    lastCustValue = xfa.resolveNode("$record.HeaderNode.Items.PaymentNode[" + lastrowindex  + "].Customer").value;
    lastPayDocValue = xfa.resolveNode("$record.HeaderNode.Items.PaymentNode[" + lastrowindex  + "].PaymentDocument").value;

  4. Save this form template.
  5. Follow up the steps of form template with English version. 


Manage Automatic Payments, Export to PDF, Payment List, One, Same, Supplier, Customer, Number , KBA , FI-FIO-AP-2CL , Fiori UI for Accounts Payable (Public Cloud) , Known Error


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition 2408


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