SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3511409 - You can Change the Address of the Ship-to Location, however, You are Not Permitted to Change the Country


A document flow for Third-Party Inter Company has been created. The user cancels release and re-release  the standard Outbound Delivery due to actual business needs. However, an unexpected error occurs as below when re-releasing the Third-Party Delivery Notification (TPOP IDN).
'You can change the address of the ship-to location, however, you are not permitted to change the country;
The ship-to party must be located in the same country as the ship-to party.'


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Third-Party Order Fulfillment Work Center.
  2. Navigate to the Third-Party Delivery Notifications View.
  3. Search for the inbound delivery notification.
  4. Click on Release, then the mentioned error would occur.


In the first Sales Order of the Third-party Inter company scenario, the Name of Ship-To is maintained as a Contact Person for the Account and the Contact Person only has a Business Address.

  1. Open the first Sales Order.
  2. Open the master data of the field Name of Ship- To in General Tab.
  3. Navigate to Relationships - Relationships Subtab, it is notice that it's a contact person for the business partner, the account in the Sales Order.
  4. Navigate to Address Tab, it is notice that the business address comes from the account.

In this scenario, when the ship to location is changed during the action release and undo release of TPOP IDN, the address of the ship to party is deleted, causing inconsistency in TPOP IDN.


The development team is aware of the issue and has created an internal incident to fix it in a future release. However, we cannot provide a specific timeframe at the moment.

Adding a main person address to the contact person is NOT recommended as a workaround. Although it may prevent the system from reporting the error when releasing the TPOP IDN, it will change the ship-to address to the main personal address. This is not aligned with the actual business needs, as the main personal address and the business address should be different. Therefore, it is not suitable for the business requirements.

Since this is a rare scenario, before the issue is fixed from code side, the Best and Only way to correct this issue is through backend correction, please submit a case and authorize SAP to release the TPOP IDN and its follow-up documents by backend correction.

See Also

2852086 - Third Party Inter Company Scenario


Ship-to Party, Ship-to Location, Country, Third-party Inter company, Third-Party Delivery Notifications, Release, Contact Person, Account, Business Partner, Business Address, Main Personal Address, Change, Address. , KBA , SRD-SCM-WME-OUT , Outbound Logistics , Known Error


SAP Business ByDesign all versions