You received a System Alert via the Check your Marketing Solution app - you are not able to acknowledge, nor resolve the alert.
- SAP Marketing Cloud Edition
Reproducing the Issue
- Access the Check your Marketing Solution app and navigate to the system alerts tile
- Find the system alert
- Try to set the system alert to acknowledged or try to resolve the alert
- Observe that setting the alert to acknowledged is failing with the following error
- Observe that resolving the alert is failing with the following error
- Observe that setting the alert to acknowledged is failing with the following error
- The issue might be related to missing configuration. Most of the system send notifications to an internal email address. If that email address is not enabled in the 'Define Allowed Email Receiver Domains' configuration, the notification cannot be sent and acknowledging or resolving the alert is failing.
Please add the entry '*' as email receiver address pattern in the following configuration item:
- Application Area: Application Platform and Infrastructure
Sub Application Area: Output Management
=> 3. Define Allowed Email Receiver Domains For Email Outbound - Define Email Receiver Addresses
See Also
Please also refer to the following help page:
Check your Marketing Solution; System Alert; Resolve; Acklowledge; Define Allowed Email Receiver Domains For Email Outbound
Marketinglösung prüfen; Systemwarnungen; Beheben; Bestätigen; Erlaubte E-Mail-Empfängerdomänen für E-Mail-Ausgang definieren
Contrôle de votre solution marketing; Alertes système; Résoundre; Confirmée; Définir domaines de destinataire d'e-mail autorisés pour envoi d'e-mails
Could not send email notification.[HPA_WORKFLOW 002]
Recipient address &1 is not allowed.[SOM_EMAIL_BC 002] , KBA , CEC-MKT-MSW , Check Your Marketing Solution , How To