SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3512048 - Error in Purchase Request : Account determination group is missing for product category


Error: Account determination group is missing for product category , in the Purchase Request


SAP Business ByDesign 

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Purchase Requests and Orders work center.
  2. Search for Purchase Request. 
  3. Select all the items present in the Purchase Request individually and add the desired Product Category.
  4. Click on check to see the error : Account determination group is missing for product category.


Item Type of Items in the Purchase request are Material, but in the fine-tune activity - Default Account Determination Groups for Product Categories, for the product category used in Purchase request, the maintained default account determination group is for services but not for materials. 

Hence the error is thrown. 


Follow below steps to view and modify the account determination group maintained for Product category of Service or Material :

  1. Then go to the Business Configuration work center, and choose the Overview view.
  2. Select the fine-tune activity Default Account Determination Groups for Product Categories.
  3. Choose View.
  4. Here we can view the Product Category ID, Product Category Description , Default Account Determination groups for Materials and Services. 
  5. Account determination groups can be added / updated for the Materials or Services here.




See Also

1597417 - Error: Account determination group is missing for product category


Account determination group is missing for product category, account determination for services, account determination for materials  , KBA , SRD-SRM-PRO , Purchase Requests and Orders , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign 2408