The localization of Flexible Real Estate Management for India is activated and the required settings for the processing of Goods and Services tax (GST) according to SAP Note 2440811 are made.
When performing one-time postings for contracts which are subject to Goods and Services tax (GST) error messages are raised that GST relevant data are not entered.
For business place, error message F5A 190 is raised.
FSA 190 Enter a business place under "Basic data"
However, the GST relevant data are maintained on the contract and assigned objects as required.
The error is not raised when performing periodic postings for the same contract with transaction RERAPP.
Flexible Real Estate Management (RE-FX)
Contract and Lease Management
SAP ERP Central Component
SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP
SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
SAP S/4HANA Finance
RERAOP, one-time posting, GST, business place, section code, HSN, SAC, BUPLA, place of supply, HSN/SAC , KBA , RE-FX-LC-IN , India , RE-FX-RA , Rental Accounting , How To
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