- A 403 forbidden error is faced intermittently while making a Post request to an Integration Flow endpoint, with CSRF Protected sender adapter.
- The token is fetched, and sent correctly as seen in Inbound HTTPS with CSRF Protection in CPI Integration Flows.
- The sender system can confirm with traces that the correct token is sent
- The LJS trace shows the "missing CSRF token" error for the failures
- The Cloud Integration tenant has more than 1 worker node
- Cloud Integration
- SAP Integration Suite
Cloud Integration 4.0 ; SAP Integration Suite 1.0
403, vendor, partner, inbound, http, sender, iflow, endpoint, intermittent, header, cookie, log, CPI, Cloud Integration, Integration Suite, HCI, CPI, SCPI, HANA Cloud Integration, missing CSRF token, forbidden, , KBA , LOD-HCI-PI-CON-HTP , HTTP Adapter , LOD-HCI-PI-CON-OD , OData Adapters , BC-CP-CF-ROUTING , Cloud Foundry Runtime Ingress Routing Stack , Problem
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