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3512807 - SUM phase TOOLCHECKVERS_KERNEXEREL error due to missing compiler or incorrect configuration


SUM process stopped with error. The phase and the error message are as follows:

The ToolCheck failed for at least one tool with a severe error which cannot be resolved by adding new archives to the download directory.            
This can be caused by several issues.            
One reason is:            
One of the tools stopped with an invalid return code.            
It might be that the kernel is not consistent.

Further details can be found in TOOLVERSCHK.LOG:

2 ETQ399 Determine version of tool 'disp+work' with type 'exe'.
1 ETQ399 Calling the tool 'disp+work' for kernel type 'exe'.
3 ETQ120 20240830003552: PID 3800493 execute '~/exe/disp+work -V', output written to '/<DIR_PUT>/abap/log/disp+work_exe.out'.
3WETQ122 20240830003552: PID 3800493 exited with status 1 '' (time:     0.0/    0.0/    0.0/93MB real/usr/sys/maxmem)
1EETQ399 The tool 'disp+work' stopped with an invalid return code '1'!
1EETQ399 ==> The return code '1' cannot be ignored!
1EETQ399 A hard tool check failure of type 'Invalid tool return code' occurred for the tool 'disp+work':
1EETQ399 The tool 'disp+work' stopped with an invalid return code '1'! ==> Please contact SAP Support..

Additional details can be found in the referenced file disp+work_exe.out:

EXECUTING <DIR_PUT>/abap/exe/disp+work -V
<DIR_PUT>/abap/exe/disp+work: /lib64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.26' not found (required by <DIR_PUT>/abap/exe/disp+work)



  • Linux operating system
  • SUM 2.0 SP15 or above


SAP S/4HANA all versions


KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , Problem

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