System upgrade using Software Update Manager (SUM) stops in phase MAIN_POSTPROC/SUBMOD_SPAU_INFO/UEXP_SPAU with error while releasing the SPAU TR.
- Versioning.log:
EXECUTING /usr/sap/<SID>/<instance>/exe/tp pf=/usr/sap/<SID>SUM/abap/var/DEFAULT.TPP verse <SPAU TR>-Dtransdir=/usr/sap/trans/
This is tp version 381.582.43 (release 793, unicode enabled)
tp finished with return code: 8 - TR log from DIR_TRANS <SPAU TR>.<SID>:
3 EPU242XStart: Execution of method "STREE_BEFORE_EXPORT"
2EE1X350 Piece list for objects 'SHI3' or 'SHI6' is incomplete
3EE1X351 Piece list for structure '"xSuite Interface"' is incomplete
- Software Update Manager (SUM)
- SAP Netweaver AS ABAP
SUM, Software Update Manager, Upgrade, Update, SPAU, SPDD, SPAU/SPDD, SPAU TR, workbench TR, SHI3, SHI6, Piece list for objects 'SHI3' or 'SHI6' is incomplete, piece list, enhancements, Versioning, Versioning.log, is incomplete, xSuite Interface, MAIN_POSTPROC/SUBMOD_SPAU_INFO/UEXP_SPAU, UEXP_SPAU, UEXP_SPDD, MAIN_POSTPROC , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , BC-CUS-TOL-BCD , Business Configuration Sets , Problem
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