The problem arose when the one tries to add a new object that was not part of the deployed package, resulting in a dependency error.
"Status 400 is not accepted: [{\"severity\":3,\"message\":\"The object XXXX cannot be saved because the package assignment dependency is not correct with the following objects:\",\"messageCode\":\"MISSING_DEPENDENCY\",\"description\":\"YYYYY\",\"additionalInfo\":{\"ZZZZZZZ\":{\"id\":\"21BAE247A3866\",\"kind\":\"repositoryPackage\",\"folderId\":\"6D47A3866\",\"name\":\"ZZZZZZZ\",\"qualifiedName\":\"ZZZZZZZ\"}},\"inaccessibleDependencies\":0,\"objectName\":\"XXXXX\",\"objectKind\":\"entity\",\"dependencies\":[{\"id\":\"21B8BE247A3866\",\"dependencyType\":\"sap.package.assignment\"}],\"dependenciesForNotification\":[],\"pendingError\":false,\"httpCode\":400}]"
SAP Datasphere
Reproducing the Issue
- The customer created a package in the Dev environment and deployed it successfully.
- The package was then imported into the QA environment.
- The issue arose when the customer tried to edit a view by attaching a new View that was not in the deployed package.
The issue was caused by a consistency constraint between Packages and objects. When the customer tried to add a new object that was not part of the deployed package, it resulted in a dependency error.
Ensure that when editing an object that has been added into a package, the new objects involved need to be inside the same package or required package too.
See Also
KBA , DS-MD-REPO , Repository Backend , Problem