SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3513811 - Deleting a shared view does not delete it for the users it was shared with.


You share a view with an end user and then delete it from your list of views but the end user still has access to the shared view.


  • SAP Cloud For Customer

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Share a view with and End USer.
  2. Delete the view.
  3. Notice that the end user still has access to the shared view in their list.


A key user can only share views which they saved as an end-user(from Analysis WoC).

Once the target end user saves the view shared with them, it becomes theirs and will not be deleted even if the person who shared the view deleted it for themselves.


Expected system behavior.


share view, shared view, end user, deleted, share, view, analysis, list , KBA , AP-RC-ANA , C4C, ByD, Travel: Analytics Tools & Frameworks , How To


SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications all versions