Customer is reporting an issue with users not being able to access a BTP application despite being assigned the application's role in the Azure AD group.
- The error message "User not authorized, source of route: /^\\/app\\/(.*)$/, IP: ******, required scopes: relatives-PROD!t54803.Relatives, user scopes: openid,uaa.user" was noted in the application logs.
- The issue persists even when the user is directly assigned to the role relatives-PROD!t54803.
- The issue impacts the ability of some end users to open cloud applications.
- Business Technology Platform
- Azure AD
- Cloud Foundry
BTP, roles, User not authorized, required scopes: relatives, Azure AD, groups , KBA , BC-CP-CF-SEC-IAM , UAA, Authentication, Authorization, Trust Mgmnt , Problem
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