Downloading SAP note fails with below short dump
Runtime Errors SYNTAX_ERROR
Date and Time 03.09.2024 17:21:08
Short text
Syntax error in program "CL_CWB_DELTA_SINGLE===========CP ".
What happened?
Error in the ABAP Application Program
The current ABAP program "CL_CWB_DELTA_REPS=============CP" had to be
terminated because it has
come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
The following syntax error occurred in program
"CL_CWB_DELTA_SINGLE===========CP " in include
"CL_CWB_DELTA_SINGLE===========CM00D " in
line 54:
"Field "CO_OPT_IGNORE_CONV_ERRROS" is unknown. It is neither in one of "
"the specified tables nor defined by a "DATA" statement. "DATA" stateme"
"nt. "DATA" statement."
" "
The include has been created and last changed by:
Created by: "SAP "
Last changed by: "XXXX"
Error in the ABAP Application Program
The current ABAP program "CL_CWB_DELTA_REPS=============CP" had to be
terminated because it has
come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
Error analysis
The following syntax error was found in the program
"Field "CO_OPT_IGNORE_CONV_ERRROS" is unknown. It is neither in one of "
"the specified tables nor defined by a "DATA" statement. "DATA" stateme"
"nt. "DATA" statement."
" "
- SAP Netweaver
- SAP BASIS 700 to 756
- Note Assistant
SAP NetWeaver 7.0
CL_CWB_DELTA_SINGLE===========CP, CL_CWB_DELTA_SINGLE===========CM00D, CO_OPT_IGNORE_CONV_ERRROS, Note download error , KBA , BC-UPG-NA , Note Assistant , Problem
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