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3515093 - Unexpected termination when updating SAP ASE using SAP Host Agent SAP ASE BS


Customer is doing ASE upgrade using sap host agent and it fails with error:

/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/saphostctrl -function LiveDatabaseUpdate -dbname <SID> -dbtype syb -updatemethod Execute -updateoption TASK=UPDATE_ASE -updateoption DROP_LOCATION=/<PATH>/ASEBS<version>

Error: Command execution failed. (fault code: 127)

----- Log messages ----

Info: saphostcontrol: Executing LiveDatabaseUpdate

Error: saphostcontrol: LiveDatabaseUpdate failed (sapdbctrl exit code = 6)

Checking dev_sapdbctrl log from Sap Host Agent we can see it failed with error:

sap host agent terminate with error :

execute:  Execute: /bin/csh -c "ps -ef | grep  -e '/sybase/<SID>/' | grep  -e '/bin/dataserver' | grep <SID> | grep syb<sid> | grep -v grep "
 execute:  Running with pid xxxy
 readOut:  Timeout: -1
 readOut:  TerminateOnTimeout: false
 readOut:  Bad : modifier in $ '/'.
 wait:  Process xxxy exited with rc=1
 readOut:  Pipe has closed

Or similar error during same command:

 readOut:  Missing '}'.
 readOut:  Missing '}'.
 readOut:  NF: Undefined variable.



  • SAP Adaptive Enterprise 16 or higher
  • SAP Host Agent 7.21 PL43 and later 


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.5


KBA , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Problem

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