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3515127 - Repeated messages "Cache size adjusted to #K" - SAP ASE


We may see the below messages in sqlanywhere-server.log when we use ASE Cockpit. 

I. 09/02 23:52:31. Cache size adjusted to 1034184K
I. 09/02 23:53:31. Cache size adjusted to 1044980K
I. 09/02 23:54:25. Cache size adjusted to 1045240K
I. 09/02 23:54:25. Cache size adjusted to 1045504K
I. 09/02 23:54:26. Cache size adjusted to 1045764K

Sometimes we may find the below error in the log file.

I. 09/03 23:29:59. Cache size adjusted to 1034256K
I. 09/03 23:57:41. Cache size adjusted to 1044996K
I. 09/03 23:58:43. Cache size adjusted to 1047684K
I. 09/03 23:59:27. Cache size adjusted to 1047948K
I. 09/03 23:59:27. Cache size adjusted to 1048208K
I. 09/03 23:59:27. Cache size adjusted to 1048476K
E. 09/03 23:59:27. Fatal error: no free pages available in cache

How can we avoid the above messages and error ?



SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0


ASE Cockpit, Cache size adjusted, sqlanywhere-server.log, service-config.xml , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , How To

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