The system is configured to block documents for credit at the delivery level which will block the delivery from further processing as expected by the business.
The issue is with the credit values shown in the system when the credit check takes place upon delivery creation and in the credit release app.
Credit limit is 1000 EUR.
Order raised. Total order amount = 3600 EUR which exceeds the credit limit by 2600 EUR.
During the creation of deliveries, the system shows the credit amount as 2600 EUR instead of considering the actual delivered value.
For instance, the first delivery of 5 units has a delivery value of 1800 EUR, but the credit amount still reflects the total order value of 3600 EUR. The second delivery of 2 units has a delivery value of 720 EUR, but the credit amount reflects the credit amount of total order value minus the first delivery value. Similarly, subsequent deliveries are misreporting the credit amounts.
The credit amount is not being adjusted correctly based on the individual deliveries, causing confusion and mismanagement of the customer's credit limit.
Is this standard behavior?
Outbound Delivery, Open Credit Amount, Manage Credit Accounts , KBA , FIN-FSCM-CR-2CL , Credit Management (Public Cloud) , SD-BF-CM , Credit Management , How To
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