SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3515467 - Error requiring user action: Invalid input: Value 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' is not of type 'TIMESTAMP' for attribute 'c_time'


Signavio Process Intelligence ETL Event collector script results in  Error requiring user action: Invalid input: Value 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' is not of type 'TIMESTAMP' for attribute 'c_time' of collector '<Event Log collector name>' in business object 'Business Object name>  


The Unixtime values of c_time are to be converted to TIMESTAMPs in the specified event collector script using the from_unixtime function. 

Syntax is:

from_unixtime(<unixtime_value> / 1000) as c_time


KBA , BPI-SIG-PI-DS , Data Source (CSV, Connector) , Problem


SAP Signavio Process Manager all versions