SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

3516043 - Apply promotion rule failure due to promotion module initialization failure at startup caused by database disconnect


The promotion rule is not being applied to the cart or order.

In the Kibana log, the following logs can be found:

"message": "Error while destroying connection 2(-A!) : connection is closed."
"message": "PreparedStatementCallback; SQL [UPDATE CLNodeInfos SET lastPingTS=? WHERE clusterID=?]; Connection reset by peer; nested exception is Connection reset by peer",
"cause": {
"extendedStackTrace": [
"location": "mssql-jdbc-11.2.3.jre17.jar",
"version": "?",
"file": "",
"method": "terminate",
"exact": false,
"line": 3806,
"class": ""

"loggerName": "de.hybris.platform.ruleengine.event.OnTenantStartupProcessor",
"message": "[Catalina-utility-1]: Exception caught in rule module initialization during tenant startup or after initialization: de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.exceptions.ModelSavingException: [de.hybris.platform.droolsruleengineservices.interceptors.DroolsKIEModulePrepareInterceptor@5dcfb545]: unexpected preparer error: SQL search error - enable the property '' for more details",


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SAP Commerce Cloud in the Public Cloud (CCv2)


SAP Commerce Cloud all versions


Commerce, Commerce Could, Promotion rule, Promotion module, promotion apply failed, rule module, rule module initialization, module initialization , KBA , CEC-SCC-COM-PRO-PE , Promotion Engine , Problem

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