When using a parameterized view in Excel using a ODBC connection to SAP HANA Cloud or SAP DataSphere, the following error occurs:
DataSource.Error: ODBC: ERROR [S1000] [SAP AG][LIBODBCHDB DLL][HDBODBC] General error;383 invalid identifier: parameterized sql view <View_Name> without input arguments: line xx col xx (at pos xxx)Details: DataSourceKind=Odbc DataSourcePath=dsn=<DSN_Name> OdbcErrors=[Table]ODBC Connection (HANA Driver 2.20.22)
Whereas in Database Explorer, it is successful.
without input arguments" in Ms. Excel using ODBC connection to HANA Cloud or to DataSphere"> Read more...
- SAP HANA Cloud
- SAP DataSphere
Excel, ODBC, connection, HANA Cloud, Datasphere, DSN, 383, "invalid identifier", "parameterized sql view" , KBA , HAN-CLS-HC , HANA Cloud Services HANA Cloud , Problem
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