The initial load of GL balances fails with the error message "Balance comparison mismatch" - FIN_CFIN045.
- SAP_APPL 600
- SAP_APPL 602
- SAP_APPL 603
- SAP_APPL 604
- SAP_APPL 605
- SAP_APPL 606
- SAP_APPL 617
- SAP_APPL 618
- SAP_FIN 617
- SAP_FIN 618
- SAP_FIN 720
- SAP_FIN 730
- S4CORE 102
- S4CORE 103
- S4CORE 104
- S4CORE 105
- S4CORE 106
- S4CORE 107
- S4CORE 108
SAP ERP all versions ; SAP S/4HANA all versions
CFIN project, Initial Load, GL balances, Error FIN_CFIN045, Balance comparison mismatch, FI ledger GLT0, PCA, 8A, Classic GL, leading ledger, consolidation ledger. , KBA , FI-CF-AC , Replication of FI Postings , Problem
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