Received an alert email about Deprecation of SAP Java Buildpack 1 - foundational services for SAP BTP:
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Background and Motivation
SAP Java Buildpack 2 is generally available (GA) since early March 2024 and provides support for the latest and greatest versions of Java (17 and 21) and Tomcat (10.1). We also plan to support TomEE 10 as soon as it goes GA.
SAP Java Buildpack 1, on the other hand, supports older versions of Java (8, 11), Tomcat 9, and an SAP-patched version of TomEE 7 (which reached EoL in March 2021). SapMachine 11 will also reach EoL soon – in December 2024.
Our goal is to focus our efforts on delivering highly-requested new features, reducing technical debt, and boosting product quality and security.
As a result, SAP Java Buildpack 1 has been deprecated and technical support for it will be provided until June 30, 2025.
If you have applications running on sap_java_buildpack, you need to migrate them to sap_java_buildpack_jakarta as soon as possible.
NOTE! If your application depends on TomEE 7, don’t start the migration yet but wait until we announce the availability of TomEE 10 in SJB 2.
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Would like to know which applications are affected.
SAP Business Technology Platform - BTP
Deprecation, SAP Java Buildpack 1, sap_java_buildpack, BTP, java application, SAP Java Buildpack 2 , KBA , BC-CP-CF-BLDP , Runtimes Buildpacks , How To
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