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3517165 - FC-Inconsistent number of a Manual Journal Entry


  • In the heavy client, when creating a Manual Journal Entry (MJE), an unusual number was assigned to one of the MJEs, leading to inconsistencies in the sequence of numbers. 
  • For example, an MJE that should have been numbered #9 was assigned #1700364 instead.
  • And these errors appear in the ctserver logs: 

INFO journalentry - OnBeforeCreateObjects - Begin

INFO journalentry - Saving central entry {ACTUAL - 2024.06 - MJE - Number 1700364} - ver: 1

ERROR system.database - Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.ct_pc_entry' with unique index 'ct_pc_entry_idxId'. The duplicate key value is (-xxxxxxxxxx).

ERROR system.database.command.dml - Failed to run database query: 'INSERT INTO ct_pc_entry ("id", "owner_site", "owner_workgroup_id", "access_mode", "creation_date", "update_date", "author_id", "update_author_id", "update_period_id", "journal_id", "globorig", "entry_label", "type_entry", "valid_entry_date", "entry_comment", "validity_status", "user_entry_number", "period_id", "revert_entry_id", "reversing_entry_id", "model_id", "model_attached", "subscribe_id", "serial_entry_data", "rule_name", "rule_type", "phase_id", "frmwk_ver_id", "entity_id", "nature_id", "curncy_id", "under_scope_mother_entity_id", "curncyconso_id", "techorig", "amount_level", "pack_rule_id", "pack_sql_rule_id", "preconso_rule_id", "preconso_sql_rule_id", "control_status", "status", "posting_date", "protecting_date", "posting_site_id", "posting_author_id", "protecting_site_id", "protecting_author_id", "entry_version", "historic_status", "exist_emb_files") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'. 

ERROR - Failed to create one or more objects of type 'Journal entry (preconsolidated data)' in the database.

WARN caching - Exception in CCtObjectManagerServerImpl::RemoteSaveFromCacheContainer : Unspecified error





MJE, ct_table, ct_pc_entry, Cannot insert, heavy client , KBA , EPM-BFC-PSI-INS , Installation, Upgrade, Migration , Problem

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