- You have configured Approvals per the "Configure Approvals" help documentation
- The Administrator is concerned that approval requests cannot be sent to a specific team (Org Unit) but are limited to individual users.
- Business concern: If the approval is sent to an individual and they are unavailable, what happens? What can the user do?
- Business wants to understand how the feature works and how to mitigate risks of individual-based assignments.
- SAP Service Cloud Version 2 1.0
- SAP Sales Cloud Cloud Version 2 1.0
SAP Sales Cloud and SAP Service Cloud Version 2 1.0
approval workflow, team-based approvals, role-based assignment, Org Unit, SAP Service Cloud, manual approval selection, approval process, custom workflows, reassign approvals, group email, distribution list. , KBA , CEC-CRM-CAS , Case Management for SAP Sales/Service Cloud , Problem
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