Selective deletion is not deleting the records of DSO.
Below error messages can be found:
Transaction SM37
Errors on completion of deletion report
Report RSINDEX1 ended with errors
Job canceled after system exception ERROR_MESSAGE
Transaction SLG1
Overlap between deletion criteria and archiving criteria
Message no. DBMAN245
The "selective deletion" detects an overlap between the deletion criteria and the archiving criteria of a data archiving process ("DAP").
The "selective deletion" functionality is only deleting "hot" data in the database tables of the current BW system. But it couldn't delete the "cold" data in the IQ NLS archive due to missing functionality.
This error message is raised to avoid an unexpected inconsistency in such cases.
This error message seems to be incorrect in some situations if the archiving criterion, in this case a time characteristic, is not part of the deletion criterion.
SAP Note 3040267 "Deletion criteria and archiving criteria overlap (DBMAN245)" explains this special case more in detail.
SAP NetWeaver 7.x
Exception occurred in line 204 of include CL_RSDA_DAP_REQUEST_COLLECTIONCM00A (program CL_RSDA_DAP_REQUEST_COLLECTIONCP), DBMAN245, DBMAN, 245 , KBA , BW-WHM-DBA-SDEL , Selective deletion , Problem
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