- What mode is used in combination with AES?
- Are the keys used, managed by Crypto Services?
- What key agreement protocol (s) does PD use?
- Does PD secure all data in transit?
- What protocols does PD use to secure data in transit?
- Does PD encrypt data at rest?
- Does PD generate documents that are accompanied with a long term (+> 1 week) signature?
- Does PD authenticate and/or generate document that are accompanied with short term (< 1 week) signatures?
- Does PD use MACs to protect integrity and/or authenticity?
SAP PowerDesigner (PD) 16.7
SAP PowerDesigner 16.7
tls, cmr, web, chacha20, poly1305, gcm, ccm, cbc, xts, ecb, ecdhe, ecdh, dhe, dh, elliptic, curve, crypto, cypher, certificate, security, integrity, authenticity , KBA , BC-SYB-PD , PowerDesigner , Problem
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