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3518148 - FAQs on encryption mechanisms in the Deskop application - SAP PD


  1. What mode is used in combination with AES?
  2. Are the keys used, managed by Crypto Services?
  3. What key agreement protocol (s) does PD use?
  4. Does PD secure all data in transit?
  5. What protocols does PD use to secure data in transit?
  6. Does PD encrypt data at rest?
  7. Does PD generate documents that are accompanied with a long term (+> 1 week) signature?
  8. Does PD authenticate and/or generate document that are accompanied with short term (< 1 week) signatures?
  9. Does PD use MACs to protect integrity and/or authenticity?



SAP PowerDesigner (PD) 16.7


SAP PowerDesigner 16.7


tls, cmr, web, chacha20, poly1305, gcm, ccm, cbc, xts, ecb, ecdhe, ecdh, dhe, dh, elliptic, curve, crypto, cypher, certificate, security, integrity, authenticity , KBA , BC-SYB-PD , PowerDesigner , Problem

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