The advanced intercompany sales relevant configurations are all correctly set up. The new created sales order via VA01 can correctly run the advanced intercompany sales process. But sales orders from the CRM are not able to do so after changing the delivery plant in S4 side.
- Sales And Distribution (SD)
- SAP S/4HANA 2022 and later
CRM, service order, VBKLA, VBAK-VBKLA, CR, advanced intercompany sales process, advanced intercompany sales, 5D2, VCM, transit plant, FV45PF0T_TVAP_TRANS_PLNT_FUELL, is_vbak-vbkla, if_sd_sls_vcm_integration, #SDAdvICo Sales , KBA , SD-SLS , Sales , SD-SLS-SO , Sales Orders , Problem
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