This is a replication from ASE to DB2.
Replication Thread to DB2 is going down frequently.
The following errors in the SRS's log:
E. yyyy/mm/dd 10:35:21. ERROR #1028 DSI EXEC(103(1) XXXXX.YYYYYYY) - neric/dsi/dsiqmint.c(5165)
Message from server: Message: 30252, State 0, Severity 11 -- '[VENDORLIB] Vendor Library Error: MainframeConnect DB2 UDB Option for CICS/15.0 SP06/P-P21106/IBM Z/03 <DB2>'.
E. yyyy/mm/dd 10:35:21. ERROR #1028 DSI EXEC(103(1) XXXXX.YYYYYYY) - neric/dsi/dsiqmint.c(5165)
Message from server: Message: 30253, State 0, Severity 11 -- 'Internal error: The network connection is invalid. <DB2>'.
I. yyyy/mm/dd 10:35:21. Message from server: Message: 30261, State 0, Severity 10 -- 'TCPIP Network Error: { [NOTCONNECTED] Lost connection to database, , Request(Disconnect),SubFunc(Succeeded), SYBTCP RetCode(0) Description(SYBTCP_SUCCEED), TCP API RetCode (0) Description(Unknown WINSOCK Err Code).
H. yyyy/mm/dd 10:35:21. THREAD FATAL ERROR #5049 DSI EXEC(103(1) XXXXX.YYYYYYY) - neric/dsi/dsiqmint.c(5178)
The DSI thread for database 'XXXXX.YYYYYYY' is being shutdown. DSI received data server error #30252 which is mapped to STOP_REPLICATION. See logged data server errors for more information. The data server error was caused by output command #1 mapped from input command #1 of the failed transaction.
H. yyyy/mm/dd 10:35:21. THREAD FATAL ERROR #5273 DSI EXEC(103(1) XXXXX.YYYYYYY) - neric/dsi/dsiqmint.c(5206)
To write the failed transaction into log, please execute 'sysadmin log_first_tran, XXXXX, YYYYYYY'. Please analyze the transaction and provide an appropriate fix based on your analysis, then resume the connection.
I. yyyy/mm/dd 10:35:21. The DSI thread for database 'XXXXX.YYYYYYY' is shutdown.
T. yyyy/mm/dd 11:18:48. (-1): eneric/err/errhand.c(1085), in function err_handle_srverr.
Error: 16240, State: 0, Severity: 10, -- Net-Library routine failed in srv__io_check
Network error: status = 32 - Net-Lib protocol driver call to read data failed
- MFC DirectConnect 15.0 ESD#6
- SAP Replication Server 16.0
MFC, Mainframe Connect, DirectConnect, Direct Connect, 30252, 30253, 30261, network connection, invalid, TCPIP Network Error, NOTCONNECTED, Lost connection to database, Unknown WINSOCK, srv__io_check , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Problem
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