SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3522200 - Error accessing Curriculum Requirement from Learning Card


  • When clicking the "For You Today" Learning card on the BizX homepage and selecting a tile for Curriculum Requirement, an error message is displayed: "The specified Curricula is not currently accessible. It may not be part of your library or may not be directly assigned. Details of all assigned Curricula can be viewed in the My Learning Assignments Tile".
  • This issue occurs when the requirement is part of a sub curriculum.


SAP SuccessFactors Learning

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the BizX homepage>
  2. Click the "For You Today" tile and click View all to expand items>
  3. Click the affected tile>
  4. The opened link displays an error message.


Deeplink for the curriculum requirement card doesn't have root curricula ID, so clicking on the card will not redirect the user to the curriculum details page.


Our Learning Engineering team has finalized their work on the situation and the fix is targeted to be delivered with the 2411 Learning system version. Additional details are available in the following link: Product Release & Road Map Information.

After the fix is implemented, it will be necessary to refresh the Learning Assignment Cards data so new cards with the correct URL are generated.

Check the KBA 2171560 to understand how to get notified when a KBA is created/updated.

See Also

3208532 - Learning Cards - Mismatch of Data Between Home Page Cards and Learning Plan or Approvals


lms, assignment, cards, card, tile, sub curriculum, curriculum, requirement, for you today, error, The specified Curricula is not currently accessible. It may not be part of your library or may not be directly assigned. Details of all assigned Curricula can be viewed in the My Learning Assignments Tile, LRN-185322 , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-TIL , Landing Page and Tiles , LOD-SF-LMS-CUR , Curricula , Known Error


SAP SuccessFactors Learning 2405