When the SBPA/IRPA Automation is started, Desktop Agent starts downloading package. This download is getting stuck at some percantage and displaying the error message:
"Error while downloading project <XYZ>,WS MESSAGE TIMEOUT: we did not received the message setBusy_ (timeout = 30000ms).".
In the sap-intelligent-rpa-agents-trace log you can see the following errors:
"msg": "ws: closure code : 1006",
"transmitter": "factory",
"target": "desktopAgent",
"component": "COM",
"data": {
"name": "closure code : 1006",
"info": "The closure code is 1006:ABNORMAL_CLOSURE/NO_CLOSE_FRAME. We are trying a reconnection"
"tid": "",
"pid": ,
"ts": "",
"level": 3
... ...
"msg": "AgentApi - send Message to socket",
"dataInfo": "\"{\\\"context\\\":\\\"debugAutomation\\\",\\\"error\\\":{\\\"code\\\":\\\"CBR000003\\\",\\\"type\\\":\\\"error\\\",\\\"message\\\":\\\"An error occured while starting project:\\\\\\\"The connection dropped during the download.\\\\\\\"\\\"},\\\"transmitter\\\":\\\"chromeBroker\\\"}\"",
"dataformat": "agentToBroker",
"data": {
"achannelId": "brokerChannel2",
"data": {
"context": "debugAutomation",
"error": {
"code": "CBR000003",
"type": "error",
"message": "An error occured while starting project:\"The connection dropped during the download.\""
"transmitter": "chromeBroker"
"transmitter": "desktopAgent",
"target": "chromeBroker",
"traceLevel": 3,
"component": "RUN",
"pid": ,
"tid": "",
"ts": "",
"level": 3
This error in might happen intermittently or constantly.
,WS MESSAGE TIMEOUT: we did not received the message setBusy_""> Read more...
SAP Build Process Automation
SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation
"CCtxtRun2Dlg::OnGoToSocket : SetIpaSocket failed", Error while downloading project <XYZ>,WS MESSAGE TIMEOUT: we did not received the message setBusy_ (timeout = 30000ms), btp, sbpa, irpa, intelligent robotic automation, sap bpa, network, downloading package, undefined , KBA , CA-ML-IPA , IPA , BPI-PA , SAP Build Process Automation , Problem
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