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3522674 - Server Crash: Internal error: no s_blockmap _perConnStats - SAP IQ


  • The SAP IQ server crashed unexpectedly.
  • The error message "Internal error: no s_blockmap _perConnStats" was displayed during the crash.
  • The crash occurred during the execution of operations on the SAP IQ server.


SAP IQ version / 5.11/64bit/2024-03-04 01:17:53.
IQ Crashed and generated stacktrace below.
I. 09/16 14:12:24. 0001716489 **************************************************
I. 09/16 14:12:24. 0001716489 ***   SAP IQ Abort:
I. 09/16 14:12:24. 0001716489 ***      From:  slib/s_blockmap.cxx:2517
I. 09/16 14:12:24. 0001716489 ***      PID: 17652
I. 09/16 14:12:24. 0001716489 ***      Message: Internal error: no s_blockmap _perConnStats
I. 09/16 14:12:24. 0001716489 ***      Thread: 609  (TIX: 603)
I. 09/16 14:12:24. 0001716489 **************************************************
I. 09/16 14:12:24. 0001716489 0000000609 Stacktrace requested from slib/s_blockmap.cxx:2517 on thread 609 (TIX 603) start stacktrace
I. 09/16 14:12:24. 0001716489     **  Error from IQ connection:
I. 09/16 14:12:24. 0001716489     **  Time of error:  2024-09-16 14:12:24
I. 09/16 14:12:24. 0001716489     **  IQ Version:  SAP IQ/16.1.050/14315/P/SP05.12
I. 09/16 14:12:24. 0001716489     **  OS info:  IQ built on: Sun_Sparc/OS 5.11,  Executed on: SunOS/sapqeciq/5.11/
I. 09/16 14:12:24. 0001716489     **  Command status when error occurred:  CURSOR ACTIVE
I. 09/16 14:12:24. 0001716489     **  Command text:
I. 09/16 14:12:24. 0001716489     **  Dump all thread stacks at slib/s_blockmap.cxx:2517 for PID: 17652
I. 09/16 14:12:24. 0001716489 ***************** This is the STACKTRACE ***************
I. 09/16 14:12:24. 0001716489 ===== Thread Number 609 (IQ connID: 0001716489) =====
I. 09/16 14:12:24. 0001716489 pc: 0 <unknown>(ffffffff53d62340, 0, 0, ffffffff53d62340, 0)
I. 09/16 14:12:24. 0001716489 pc: fffffffe056fe798 void DumpAllThreads(const char*,unsigned,int)+780(4, fffffffe080a5f20, 0, fffffffe044cb88a, ffffffff53d610b3)
I. 09/16 14:12:24. 0001716489 pc: fffffffe051db914 void hos_ABORT(const char*,unsigned,const char*,char*,char*,sigcontext*,int,int)+b04(fffffffe044f4b64, 9d5, 3ab8c00, fffffffe080a5e58, ffffffff53d6485c)
I. 09/16 14:12:24. 0001716489 pc: fffffffe05827588 s_buf*s_blockmap::Find(unsigned long long,short,int,s_bufmanCallerStats*)+178(12d8126b8, 1, 1, 20, 126630c08)
I. 09/16 14:12:24. 0001716489 pc: fffffffe04e0f878 unsigned char*dfo_FileSource::GetNextDataChunk(int&)+150(12662fac8, 126631428, 0, 1000, 1)
I. 09/16 14:12:24. 0001716489 pc: fffffffe04e110ac int dfo_FileSource::FetchOpus()+714(126631410, 12662fac8, 1263697f8, 126631428, 0)
I. 09/16 14:12:24. 0001716489 pc: fffffffe04df4934 int dfo_CheckConstraintFilter::FetchOpus()+d4(129b75e58, fffffffe04e10998, fffffffe07f194e0, 1134, 1130)
I. 09/16 14:12:24. 0001716489 pc: fffffffe04f6207c int dfo_ColumnVectorBase::FetchOpus()+1a4(127677e88, 0, 1272bbf18, 0, 180a8)
I. 09/16 14:12:24. 0001716489 pc: fffffffe04dfee80 int dfo_RowID::FetchOpus()+70(128e1a228, 0, 1, 128e1a8e0, 0)
I. 09/16 14:12:24. 0001716489 pc: fffffffe04f9b928 int dfo_IndexInsert::FetchOpus()+88(128d8d288, fffffffe07f823a8, fffffffe07f194e0, 0, 180a8)
I. 09/16 14:12:24. 0001716489 pc: fffffffe04d98a5c const s_packedRecDesc*CombinerFetchCallback(void*)+6c(125ec7828, 0, 1, 1, 128d8d288)
I. 09/16 14:12:24. 0001716489 pc: fffffffe062fbc58 void hc_dfrun::FillRun(unsigned&,int,int)+30(126e358b8, 12b9fc930, 0, fffffffe07f194e0, 126e358b8)
I. 09/16 14:12:24. 0001716489 pc: fffffffe064cb2d8 int hc_dmfrun::InitNextWorkUnit(unsigned,int,unsigned)+970(12b9fc5d8, 1, 1, 3885800, fffffffe07f194e0)
I. 09/16 14:12:24. 0001716489 pc: fffffffe056b81d0 void workAllocator::DoWork(unsigned)+128(1261284c8, 0, 0, fffffffe080a2d10, fffffffe044ba708)
I. 09/16 14:12:24. 0001716489 pc: fffffffe056f3bc0 int hos_thread::Main()+250(10059fef8, 0, 261, 0, 0)
I. 09/16 14:12:24. 0001716489 pc: fffffffe0559df40 int hos_lwtask::Start(hos_lwtask*)+218(10059fef8, fffffffe080618d4, 148000, 1005a0220, fffffffe0449f661)
I. 09/16 14:12:24. 0001716489 pc: fffffffe095b44f4 void IQWorkerStarter(void*)+4c(1005a0110, 169400, 1308, fffffffe0ab21400, 4000)
I. 09/16 14:12:24. 0001716489 pc: fffffffe09aeffd0 void*UnixTask::pre_body(void*)+328(84000, ffffffff53d73f46, 0, 2000, ffffffff53cf0000)
I. 09/16 14:12:24. 0001717208 ===== Thread Number 310 (IQ connID: 0001717208) =====



SAP IQ 15.x and higher


SAP IQ all versions


Server crash, s_blockmap _perConnStats. CR829878 , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem

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