In SAP KBA 2600030 - Parameter Recommendations in SAP HANA Environments, there is recommendation configuration for parameter statement_memory_limit:
MIN(10 % of allocation limit, 30 GB) - MIN(30 % of allocation limit, 500 GB)
It is meaning, the minimum value of this parameter can be set between smaller value in GLOBAL_ALLOCATION_LIMIT*10% and 30GB.
The maximum value of this parameter is the smaller value in GLOBAL_ALLOCATION_LIMIT*30% and 500GB.
For example, you have 100 GB GLOBAL_ALLOCATION_LIMIT, then you can set min(100*10%, 30GB) to min(100*30%, 500GB), that is min(10GB, 30GB) to min(30GB, 500GB). So the detail is 10~30GB is recommended scope.
Setting this value to "-1" will calculate the statement_memory_limit as 25% of the smaller of global_allocation_limit and process_allocation_limit. By default this value is not set which means no restriction, and single SQL can use memory up to GLOBAL_ALLOCATION_LIMIT, however if it requested up to GLOBAL_ALLOCATION_LIMIT, instead of composite OOM, there will be system layer OOM happening.
SAP HANA database
KBA , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , Problem
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