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3523069 - SAP HANA Dump Analyzer tool - Error: "GC overhead limit exceeded"


  1. When trying to open a trace file with the SAP HANA Dump Analyzer tool it gives similar than the following error message: "GC overhead limit exceeded (max heap: 1024 MB)"
  2. The SAP HANA Dump Analyzer tool freeze and unresponsive.
  3. The progress bar stops in a specific percentage and does not finish the load.
  4. You have to kill the process (e.g. Windows - Task Manager).

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SAP HANA Dump Analyzer


SAP, HANA, Dump, Analyzer, tool, "GC overhead limit exceeded", max, heap, freeze, unresponsive, stuck, memory, crash , KBA , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , Problem

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