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3523441 - Failed to upgrade HANA from 2.0 SPS05 to SPS07 with error "GLIBC_2.xx not found"


HANA Database upgrade(from 2.00.054 to 2.00.079) got failed with an error below in hdblcm.log.

22:14:19.322 - INFO: Architecture : X86-64
22:14:19.322 - INFO: Version : 4.12.14
22:14:19.322 - INFO: Subversion : 122.219-default
22:14:19.322 - INFO: C Runtime : GLIBC 2.22
22:14:19.322 - INFO: Cpu features : sse sse2 sse4.1 sse4.2 cmpxchg16b
22:14:19.322 - INFO: Host Name : CAILTSYBW2D2
22:14:19.322 - INFO: Manufacturer : Amazon EC2
22:14:19.322 - INFO: Product : r6i.16xlarge
22:14:19.322 - INFO: Distribution : SLES 12.5
22:28:13.816 - INFO: Output line 149: Output line 70: [17] Cannot execute '/hana/shared/<SID>/xs/installdata/runtimes/node-v18.x/bin/node' on this system!
22:28:13.816 - INFO: Output line 150: Output line 71: Process output:
22:28:13.816 - INFO: Output line 151: Output line 72: stdout: []
22:28:13.816 - INFO: Output line 152: Output line 73: stderr: [/hana/shared/<SID>/xs/installdata/runtimes/node-v18.x/bin/node: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.27' not found (required by /hana/shared/<SID>/xs/installdata/runtimes/node-v18.x/bin/node), /hana/shared/<SID>/xs/installdata/runtimes/node-v18.x/bin/node: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.25' not found (required by /hana/shared/<SID>/xs/installdata/runtimes/node-v18.x/bin/node), /hana/shared/<SID>/xs/installdata/runtimes/node-v18.x/bin/node: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.28' not found (required by /hana/shared/<SID>/xs/installdata/runtimes/node-v18.x/bin/node)]
22:28:13.816 - INFO: Output line 153: Output line 74: NOTE: Please ensure that at least glibc 2.28 is installed



SAP HANA, platform edition 2.00.079
SLES 12.5


SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0


HANA, upgrade, GLIBC, not found, SLES , KBA , HAN-LM-UPG-DB , Upgrade of HANA Database , Problem

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