- The database stop is due to "Caught STOP signal"
Thread 0x1D74B Task - 2024-00-00 10:00:00 RTEKernel 114: Caught STOP signal
Thread 0x1D749 Task - 2024-00-00 10:00:00 RTE 20230: Database tries automatic shutdown
Thread 0xB95D Task - 2024-00-00 10:00:00 ERR RTE 20128: Database automatic shutdown failed,_FILE=RTE_ExternalCall+noPIC.cpp,_LINE=901
Thread 0x1D749 Task - 2024-00-00 10:00:00 WNG RTEKernel 121: Kernel is being stopped in ONLINE state
Thread 0x1D749 Task - 2024-00-00 10:00:00 RunTime 3: State changed from ONLINE to KILL - There is no DBM command to stop the database such as db_offline, db_stop
SAP NetWeaver on MaxDB database on Linux
SAP NetWeaver Application Server for ABAP 7.52
Caught STOP signal,Database tries automatic shutdown , KBA , BC-DB-SDB , MaxDB , Problem
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