Package parameter SapGui.SelectedTheme doesn't work and SAPGUI theme has not been changed after SAPGUI installation with package.
After SAPGUI installation with the package, the following registry key has not been created.
- SAPGUI release independent
- Previous SAPGUI version exists on the same client PC and the old SAPGUI version has been installed with another package with in which the package variable SapGui.SelectedTheme was set.
ABAP platform all versions ; SAP NetWeaver all versions ; SAP S/4HANA all versions
SAP GUI for Windows, SAPGUI, SAP GUI, SapGui.SelectedTheme, SelectedTheme, package, installation server, theme, SAPGUI theme. , KBA , BC-FES-INS , Frontend Installation , BC-FES-GUI , SAP GUI for Windows , Problem
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